Sismicidad Inducida

Examine el impacto de la actividad petrolera en la sismicidad de Vaca Muerta en Argentina. Descubra la relación con la fracturación hidráulica.


Informe de Sismicidad en Argentina


Consultar horarios de trabajo

Sismicidad Inducida

Impacto de la actividad petrolera en la sismicidad de Vaca Muerta.

a construction site with a camera on a tripod
a construction site with a camera on a tripod
Pozos de Hidrocarburos

Localización de pozos con fractura hidráulica en la región.

a bulldozer digging through a pile of dirt
a bulldozer digging through a pile of dirt
a bulldozer digging through a large pile of dirt
a bulldozer digging through a large pile of dirt
a bulldozer and a bulldozer on a dirt road
a bulldozer and a bulldozer on a dirt road
Mapa de Sismos

Registro de sismos en la cuenca de Vaca Muerta.

Sismicidad Inducida

Descubre la relación entre la actividad petrolera y los sismos en Argentina.

a large orange pipe laying on top of a pile of rocks
a large orange pipe laying on top of a pile of rocks
a large orange pipe laying on top of a gravel field
a large orange pipe laying on top of a gravel field
a close up of a valve on a machine
a close up of a valve on a machine
yellow and black heavy equipment
yellow and black heavy equipment
black and grey vehicle during daytime
black and grey vehicle during daytime
a large yellow truck parked next to a tree
a large yellow truck parked next to a tree